Browse Articles By Tag: natural health
The first question that comes to mind when it comes to a natural health program and kids is: Is it safe? The answer lies in what is meant by "natural health". The human body does indeed possess an amazing ability to heal itself if left alone, and many times modern...
29.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
There are everyday stresses in our life that build and make living seem impossible. There are dark corners in our mind that may cause extreme difficulties that make waking up do hard of a chore to do. (...)
27.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
To understand natural healing arts, one must understand what natural healing is. Natural healing also is known as alternative healing. This is best defined as any form of medical healing that does not fall under the same realm as modern medicine. (...)
25.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
"Don’t bend over," "Don’t stretch," "No cleaning the litter box," "Treat yourself like a fragile piece of China." These are all statements heard during pregnancy. It seems like everyday there is a revised list of things you can and cannot do or cannot eat. (...)
25.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
Women lead such busy lives. There are some that stay at home and take care of their families, there are those who run major corporations, some run their own businesses, others work from home, and some may combine a few of these. (...)
22.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
Acupuncture is always associated with needles and rightly so, but needles tend to have a negative connotation. This is because our encounters with needles seem to mean that the nurse sticks one in (and it hurts) and then injects you with something or takes some blood...
18.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
It does not involve sticking your appendage in the light socket and getting the quick rush that flows through your body. Energy healing is one of the five main domains of complementary and alternative medicine. (...)
18.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
Traditional medicine is not a solution to every problem. It is not capable of healing all physical problems and it can be argued that it is even less effective in healing emotional or psychological difficulties. (...)
18.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
The history of herbs for healing goes back as far as human history. From the beginning of time, it seems people have known that certain herbs would aid in digestion, others would ease the pain of a headache, and still another would stop the bleeding from a cut. (...)
17.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
You have read endless articles in your favorite magazine, you heard about it on television, your friends are talking about it, and you have even thought about an extensive online search. Is it a new movie? Perhaps a new recipe? Actually, it is alternative health...
16.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
"Luminous beings are we; not just this crude matter," said Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back. Turns out he was right; more and more doctors and physicians are coming to the realization that health involves much more than just writing a prescription. (...)
15.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
Natural health is comprised of many avenues. There are supplements to take, exercises to do, special teas to drink, or breathing exercises that allow your natural flow of positive energy. One of the many forms of natural health comes from herbs. (...)
14.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
It's been confirmed—you are pregnant. Okay, now one usually asks themselves what they can do to help produce the healthiest baby and also maintain their own health and well being. Someone may read up on the benefits of herbs and herbal medicine, massage, and yoga...
13.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
Alternative. It is a word that has come to have negative connotations with the general public. Quite simply it means to do things or live outside of mainstream thinking. Why this is not good is unclear. We have been accustomed to doing everything a certain way. (...)
12.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
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